Nonton Bola Music Album of Nonaria

Nonaria, short for Nona-nona Ceria, returned with a catchy and recollective track titled “Nonton Bola”, continuing with the originally well-crafted images: genuine and cheerful. They succeeded in elaborating on the cultural-heavy phenomenon in a pleasant and laid-back manner by depicting the old-fashioned way of Indonesians watching football matches together.

The idea was to diffuse the classic and familiar vibe with a modern touch; therefore, welcoming timeworn illustration, elements, and effects were embedded. Some fading features were exploited to recreate an echo from the past. By the same token, gleaming results help the brand to visualize the threads of memoirs. 

Project Manager Annisa Lista
Creative Director Yopi Gozal
Graphic Designer Agung Tropika / Fachri Darmawan
Asset Designer Ananda Rhaditya
Copywriter Annisa Mega 
Motion Designer Badruddin Daud

Client Nonaria

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Nonton Bola Music Album of Nonaria